Benefits of EVOO Consumption in Children

Benefits of EVOO Consumption in Children

  • What benefits does EVOO have on our health?
  • What are the best foods for a balanced diet?
  • Why is it important to consume EVOO from childhood?
  • At what age can children start taking extra virgin olive oil?

September comes to an end, along with the chaos of going back to school, and the return to the (much-anticipated for some) routine. It seems like every year in September, as the little ones settle into their usual routine, adults embark on a cycle, as if it were the start of a new year. The beginning of the school year and our return to work mark the second half of September each year. The onset of autumn signifies the start of a new phase for all of us. It's time to start anew.

Finally, it seems like routine is here to stay in our lives, and with it, after leaving behind the stress of the second half of September and finding some relief with the arrival of October, the intention to make some positive changes in our diet, especially for the little ones.

We know that this return to normalcy offers the perfect opportunity to work toward this goal and incorporate dietary habits into our routine that will last throughout the year.


Implementing a well-organized and mindful diet into our daily routine is not something that can miraculously appear overnight. A well-planned and long-term beneficial diet must also be introduced gradually. Fortunately, we live in an environment as privileged as Southern Europe, and our gastronomic heritage provides an excellent foundation for incorporating these dietary habits into our daily lives; we are, of course, talking about the Mediterranean diet.

Eating healthily is a marathon, not a fad or a miraculous weight loss method. The goal of gradually adopting these habits is to be able to maintain them in our long-term life and have their benefits permanently impact our health.

And you might wonder, where can I start making significant changes in my nutritional routine? What foods are best for a healthy and balanced diet? The answer, as we mentioned, lies in our origins.


The Mediterranean diet, as you may already know, is a form of eating based on the original traditional cuisines of Greece, Italy, and other countries surrounding the Mediterranean Sea. This diet is not just a set of dietary guidelines but is strongly linked to the culture, traditions, and ways of life of the Mediterranean people. The Mediterranean diet has enjoyed significant medical and scientific recognition for decades due to its proven health benefits.

What is the Mediterranean diet like? Well, graphically, the Mediterranean diet pyramid is divided into three major tiers: at its base, you'll find the foods recommended for daily consumption; on the second tier, those to be consumed weekly; and at the top, those that should only be consumed very occasionally.

In the tier of daily consumption foods, plant-based foods such as whole grains (oats, wheat, etc.), vegetables, legumes, fruits, raw nuts, seeds, herbs, and spices take the center stage. EOVO, on the other hand, is the primary source of added fat in this diet. It is an essential element.

Extra virgin olive oil, as we mentioned, is the main source of added fat at the base of the pyramid for a reason: EVOO is a positive fat that provides monounsaturated fats to the body, capable of reducing total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein levels. In other words, it is a fat capable of reducing the so-called "bad cholesterol" in our bodies.

In the second tier of the pyramid, we find fish, especially those rich in Omega-3. Legumes and eggs are also part of this tier, mainly covering our protein needs.

To complete this pyramid, we have meats (especially red meats), processed meats, and sweets and processed foods, with consumption recommendations limited to a couple of times a month.

The Mediterranean diet does not prohibit any particular food; it guides us to find the best food groups in our daily diet.


The Mediterranean diet, as you may already know, is a form of eating based on the original traditional cuisines of Greece, Italy, and other countries surrounding the Mediterranean Sea. This diet is not just a set of dietary guidelines but is strongly linked to the culture, traditions, and ways of life of the Mediterranean people. The Mediterranean diet has enjoyed significant medical and scientific recognition for decades due to its proven health benefits.

What is the Mediterranean diet like? Well, graphically, the Mediterranean diet pyramid is divided into three major tiers: at its base, you'll find the foods recommended for daily consumption; on the second tier, those to be consumed weekly; and at the top, those that should only be consumed very occasionally.

In the tier of daily consumption foods, plant-based foods such as whole grains (oats, wheat, etc.), vegetables, legumes, fruits, raw nuts, seeds, herbs, and spices take the center stage. EOVO, on the other hand, is the primary source of added fat in this diet. It is an essential element.

Extra virgin olive oil, as we mentioned, is the main source of added fat at the base of the pyramid for a reason: EVOO is a positive fat that provides monounsaturated fats to the body, capable of reducing total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein levels. In other words, it is a fat capable of reducing the so-called "bad cholesterol" in our bodies.

In the second tier of the pyramid, we find fish, especially those rich in Omega-3. Legumes and eggs are also part of this tier, mainly covering our protein needs.

To complete this pyramid, we have meats (especially red meats), processed meats, and sweets and processed foods, with consumption recommendations limited to a couple of times a month.

The Mediterranean diet does not prohibit any particular food; it guides us to find the best food groups in our daily diet.


These changes toward a healthier diet are possible at any age, but including these healthy eating guidelines from an early age has particularly unique benefits.

It's important to include foods like EVOO in the diet of the little ones as early as possible for three main reasons. Let's start with the basics. We know that it is during certain growth stages that vital functions for humans, both physical and intellectual, develop; EVOO is extremely rich in vitamins A, D, K, and E, which act as fundamental agents in these stages of development, especially intellectual development, in children.

Additionally, EVOO provides their bodies with essential fatty acids and healthy cholesterol necessary for the creation of cell membranes and tissues, indispensable for the proper functioning of the nervous system.

Finally, the action of being an energy reserve. EVOO is also a source of energy with great nutritional value, so including this food in their diet will enable them to tackle their activities with the energy they need during their growth.


The reality is that EVOO is recommended even during the gestation stage. A mother's consumption of EVOO during pregnancy promotes proper fetal development and provides an adequate supply of vitamin E for the baby's correct growth. Furthermore, it has been demonstrated that this prenatal EVOO consumption will protect children from asthma and some allergies in the future.

But when can we introduce EVOO into the diet of the little ones? The answer is: from the moment we start introducing solid foods into their diet. Approximately from six months, we can begin to gradually add EVOO to their menus, starting with about half a tablespoon a day added to their purees and porridge, and gradually increasing to the amount of two or three tablespoons every day.

From the age of four or five, experts recommend teaching the little ones to enjoy EVOO on toast, vegetables, pasta, and foods over which they have better control of their intake.


Any variety of EVOO will provide similar benefits to their diet, although we should consider that children's palates are significantly more sensitive than ours. Therefore, from our experience, we recommend starting with EVOOs from varieties with a milder flavor.

Our AOVE Cortijo La Muralla from the Arbequina variety is ideal for the initial addition of EVOO to their dishes. With a very fruity and mild flavor and a silky texture, it's a favorite from our mill for children's menus. Furthermore, we recommend consuming this EVOO only raw due to its particular organoleptic characteristics, making it the perfect ingredient to add to these first purees and porridges in our little one's menu.

Once EVOO has been introduced into their diet, as in all aspects of their lives, what matters is consistency. Nutritional education is important at all ages, but when these values are instilled from childhood, children embrace these guidelines more naturally. From Aceites La Muralla, we invite you to put these tips into practice and visit our online store where you can find our selection of EVOOs that will go from our mill to your kitchen countertop, allowing you to follow all these guidelines with us.

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