El Envero de la Aceituna. Todo lo que debes saber

The Olive "Envero". Everything you should know

With the arrival of autumn, olives begin their ripening phase. This process, known as "envero", is characterized by the gradual change in color of the olives from green to purple.

imagen donde se muestra el olivar en envero

What is the olive "envero"?

The "envero" is the phase prior to the ripening of the olive, we leave behind the intense green color to pass progressively to the purple ones. The olive increases in size and begins to produce olive oil. This stage is characterized by a rapid growth of the fruit and the beginning of oil biosynthesis, which accumulates in the parenchymal cells of the pulp (lipogenesis). Water availability at this stage is crucial, as it will influence the final fruit size and oil content. Under water stress conditions, smaller fruit with lower fat content will be obtained.

At this stage it is possible to implement early harvesting. This consists of harvesting the fruit just as "envero" is beginning, but when the olives are still green. This is done to obtain premium oils of the highest quality. At this stage the yield of the olives is much lower than in the ripening stage, i.e. more kilos of olives are needed to produce the oil. In this case, quantity is sacrificed for quality in order to offer consumers an oil of exceptional qualities, as is the case of our iOliva product produced with early harvest olives of the hojiblanca variety.

Properties of olive oil harvested at "envero"

The degree of ripeness of the olives directly influences the flavor of the oil produced. Choosing the right time to harvest is crucial to maintain the specific organoleptic characteristics of the different olive oil varieties.

The colors that appear during "envero" not only visually indicate the evolution of the olives, but also provide valuable information about their state of development. The change in color reflects modifications in the chemical composition of the olives, signaling the transition from an immature stage to a more mature stage ready for harvest.

In practical terms, this process affects not only the quality of the oil, but also the quantity that can be extracted from the olives at their optimum ripeness. Therefore, olive oil producers must closely observe veraison, carefully monitoring the color change of the olives to determine the exact time of harvest.

The properties of the oil will depend on the time of veraison at which it is harvested. If it is harvested just at the beginning of "envero" with the olives still green, an early harvest oil will be obtained as mentioned above. If it is harvested at the end of "envero", very close to the ripening stage, we will obtain a sweeter oil, with less bitterness.


Factors influencing "envero"

The process of olive "envero" is influenced by several variables that determine whether this phenomenon will occur earlier or later. Climatic factors, the location of the olive grove, the arrangement of the trees, pruning practices, fertilization methods, the irrigation system, and the pests or diseases they affect, as well as the genetics of the olive varieties, play a crucial role in the development of "envero" and, consequently, in the quality of the oil that is formed inside the grove.

For example, due to the arrangement of the trees, both within the same plantation and within the same olive tree, a mixture of olives at different stages of ripening can be observed: some still green, others in full "envero" and others already fully ripe.

The work of the experts is essential to determine the ideal harvest time, ensuring that each olive contributes to the excellence of the olive oil that will reach consumers and enrich our culinary creations.

Relationship between "envero" and polyphenols

The polyphenol content of the oil is directly related to the time of harvesting of the olives. Olives harvested when they are more mature have a lower phenolic content. Therefore, early harvesting during "envero" is crucial to maximize the presence of these compounds in the oil.

Some varieties, such as hojiblanca, naturally produce a higher amount of polyphenols compared to other varieties. Therefore, oils obtained from hojiblanca will have a higher phenolic content.

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