Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Cortijo La Muralla

Arbequina Variety

Obtained from olives of the Arbequina variety. Extra Virgin Olive Oil from early harvest, (October to early November) from olives from our family farm.

The Arbequina variety EVOO stands out for being a 100% natural olive juice, very fruity and aromatic.

Our Arbequina variety olives are harvested when they are at their optimal point of aromas and polyphenols. This, together with careful preparation in our family oil mill, make this EVOO a totally different and special product with exceptional organoleptic characteristics.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

This extra virgin arbequina olive oil is harvested early, at the beginning of the season, in October. It is unfiltered and presented in its freshest state during the first months of the campaign.


Made from arbequina olives, this variety is characterized by having a high oil content. It has a sweet taste with a fruity aroma of apple and banana.

Tasting Notes

Arbequina variety olive oils are known for their fresh and fruity taste with hints of almond, tomato, and even a slight touch of banana, finishing with a very subtle spiciness.

Aromas and Flavour

The aroma is fruity with notes of green olives, and it has an intense presence of tomato, avocado, and banana. It is a smooth and light oil, with a sweet entry, a nutty finish, and a mild continuous spiciness on the palate.

Harvest: 2021-2022

Olive Variety: Arbequina

Olive Origin: Natural Park of the Subbética, Rute, Córdoba

Cultivation Type: Traditional Olive Grove

Quality: Extra Virgin

Harvesting: From October to early November, on our family estate

Extraction Method: Cold extraction at temperatures below 25º

Presentation: Unfiltered from October to December. Filtered from January onwards.

Milling: Within 6 hours, in our own mill

Chemical Parameters: Less than 0.4º acidity, less than 20 meq O2/Kg peroxides, less than 0.22 K270, less than 2.5 K232.

Storage Recommendations: Keep in a cool place, away from light, and avoid sudden temperature changes.

Usage Suggestions: Arbequina oil, with its sweet and mild character, is suitable for a wide range of culinary applications compared to other more robust olive oils. It's ideal for making sauces and in baking due to its delicate and mild flavor. It also pairs well with various raw applications, such as drizzling over toasts, marinades, salads, or combining with fish and seafood. This AOVE is perfect for introducing children to olive oil consumption and for those not accustomed to using olive oil.

From our olive grove to your table: No intermediaries. We oversee the entire process, from cultivation to the final sale.

Nutritional values per 100 ml.

80 Kcal
Total fat

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