Flor del olivo ¿Qué es y cuál es su importancia?

Olive flower: What is it and what is its importance?

During the month of May, a crucial moment for the olive harvest occurs: the flowering of the olive tree. Today, we want to talk about this process, and we will explain what it is, what properties it has, and much more.

Imagen donde se muestra la flor del olivo

What is the olive blossom?

As mentioned before, the olive blossom appears in May and can remain on the tree until June or even July if flowering is late. It is the beginning of the agricultural process of the olive.

The flower is hermaphrodite and small. It has a greenish-white calyx formed by four sepals. The corolla has four petals in the shape of a cross, white or yellowish-white. In addition, it has two stamens attached to the corolla, composed of a short filament and a large anther where the intense yellow pollen is formed. The pistil has an ovary at the top, a small style and a well-developed stigma, divided into two lobes.

Flowering process

Flowering is the time of the year when olive trees release all the pollen they have accumulated into the atmosphere in order to pollinate another olive tree.

As with almost all plants, the wind is in charge of transporting the pollen, so it can be understood that atmospheric conditions have a great influence on this process. Heavy rains will wash the pollen and reduce the harvest, or high temperatures will reduce the fertility of the pollen.

The flowering of the olive tree is organized in a kind of cluster. From a main stem there are several branches, which in turn can also divide further. On these ramifications, the flowers may be single or grouped in clusters of three to five. The total number of flowers per cluster varies between 10 and 40, depending on the variety of olive tree and the conditions of the environment and the tree itself.

When the flower loses its petals it means that it has already been fertilized, so it is necessary to look carefully to understand the state of production. At this moment the olive tree makes a sieve of those elements that are either no longer useful, such as the petals, or the surplus fruit that it cannot feed.

Properties and benefits

These flowers, like everything related to the olive tree, are loaded with properties and health benefits. They have been consumed over the years in different ways to acquire these benefits. One of the most common forms is in infusion, thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties it is able to relieve menstrual cramps and indigestion.

It has also been seen that the olive flower has effects to lower blood pressure, which contributes to take care of our cardiovascular health.

Because of their pleasant aroma, they are used in aromatherapy to reduce stress and promote relaxation.

Finally, some studies have found that this flower has antimicrobial properties, which makes it a good choice for fighting infections.


Culinary uses

Seasoning: Dried flowers can be used as a mild seasoning to add a subtle, floral touch to salads, soups or fish dishes.

Flavored oils: Although not used directly in making olive oil, some recipes for flavored oils include olive blossoms to give a light floral nuance.

Decoration in dishes: Olive flowers, especially fresh, can be used as a decorative element in gourmet dishes, providing a delicate and natural touch.

Flavoring in desserts: In some desserts, such as creams or ice creams, olive blossom can be used to give a subtle aroma, which complements well with mild flavors such as vanilla or lemon.

Although its use is not as widespread, olive flower is gaining a place in modern cuisine for its subtlety and benefits.

The olive blossom in culture: symbolism and legends

The olive blossom has a great symbolism in the Mediterranean culture. It represents peace, hope and rebirth, as it marks the beginning of the productive season. The olive tree is a symbol of endurance and longevity, and its flower, although small, is part of this cycle of strength.

In Greek mythology, the olive tree is central to the legend of Athena and Poseidon, where Athena offered an olive tree to win the patronage of Athens. For the Romans, it represented victory and purification. In addition, in rural traditions, its flowering is associated with prosperity and good fortune.

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