Recipe for carrot and EVOO sponge cake

Yoghurt and olive oil sponge cake is a classic of home cooking, simple but with a twist, like any good recipe. Today we bring you an autumnal variant, what we think is the best carrot, yoghurt and olive oil sponge cake recipe for a delicious snack or breakfast.

In many recipes, you will find melted butter as added fat, but as advocates of the qualities of EVOO, we could not recommend such a recipe. In our carrot cake recipe, the protagonist for a juicy and delicious texture is, of course, extra virgin olive oil.

Specifically, our best sponge cake recipe could not use any other EVOO than our Arbequina olive oil; do you know why?

This EVOO is very mild, with a very rich aromatic profile, light and delicate, sweet and with an almondy touch. These characteristics make it an oil that is especially recommended for confectionery. We recommend using it as a substitute for any unhealthy fat in this type of recipes. It is also an excellent way to get children's palates used to olive oil.

Now, let's start getting your hands into the dough; these are the ingredients you will need:


- 1 plain Greek yoghurt

- 1 cup Arbequina EVOO

- 1 cup brown sugar

- 2 cups of pastry flour

- 2 eggs (fresh eggs are best)

- 1 teaspoon baking powder

- ½ cup pecans (you can use regular pecans)

- 2 medium carrots, peeled and grated

- ½ teaspoon cinnamon

- Pinch of ginger


1.  First of all, preheat the oven to 180ºC with top and bottom temperature.

2. Grease or line with baking paper a baking tin of about 20cm for the dough.

3. Wash and grate the carrots and put them in a bowl.

4. In a bowl, mix the eggs with the brown sugar. If you use an electric whisk, the result will be better, although you can always use a traditional whisk.

5. Next, add the EVOO and then the yoghurt and continue beating the mixture until all the ingredients are combined.

6. Gradually add the flour and baking powder along with the spices.

7. Finally, add the carrot and walnuts, but at this stage stir the ingredients gently; you can use a spoon to do this.

8. Pour the mixture into the baking tin and bake in the oven for approximately 40 minutes at an even heat at 180ºC.

9. To make sure it is cooked through, use a wooden stick; if it doesn't come out clean, it means it needs a little more time in the oven.

You can always accompany this recipe with a little whipped cream if you want to give it an extra touch of sweetness.

Remember that you can use this substitution of butter for arbequino EVOO in almost any pastry recipe. You will see that the flavour is much richer in nuances and your health will thank you for it. We leave you here the link to our online shop where you can buy this particular oil.

We hope you liked this autumnal sponge cake recipe; if you have any tips you would like to share with our community, remember to leave us a comment; we will be delighted to read them.

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