El Envero de la Aceituna. Todo lo que debes saber
Most important types and varieties of olives

Most important types and varieties of olives

In this article we talk about the types of olives according to the variety of olive tree that produces them and according to their degree of ripene...
Differences between filtered and unfiltered olive oil

Differences between filtered and unfiltered olive oil

In this article we address the most recurrent doubts about filtered or unfiltered oil, a debate among EVOO lovers that goes beyond personal taste. ...
Olive oil polyphenols. What they are and their benefits

Olive oil polyphenols. What they are and their benefits

Today we talk about polyphenols, natural chemical compounds found in many plants. These compounds have multiple health benefits due to their antiox...
What is EVOO. We explain the meaning of these acronyms

What is EVOO. We explain the meaning of these acronyms

You have probably come across these acronyms on more than one occasion, either in any recipe, at the supermarket or in any news item. What do they ...
Oleocanthal. Definition and most important benefits

Oleocanthal. Definition and most important benefits

Oleocanthal is a chemical compound found only in extra virgin olive oil and is responsible for the oil's anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects....
How cultural differences influence olive oil consumption

How cultural differences influence olive oil consumption

How many liters of olive oil does a Spaniard consume per year? What formats are most popular in each country? Why is the price of olive oil related...
Interview with Antonio Montes, our master miller

Interview with Antonio Montes, our master miller

We asked our mill master about the current season and his experience over the years at Aceites La Muralla.
The winter of record low temperatures that wiped out crops

The winter of record low temperatures that wiped out crops

There was a winter that marked the inhabitants of Cortijo La Muralla and its surroundings. We have investigated some of its many ravages and wonder...
Giving oil as a gift for Communion: a perfect premium gift for guests

Giving oil as a gift for Communion: a perfect premium gift for guests

En la organización de un evento de BBC (bodas, bautizos y comuniones) siempre se quiere dejar huella con un obsequio bonito y útil. No se nos ocurr...

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