Why is the price of extra virgin olive oil in the news?

Why is the price of extra virgin olive oil in the news?

The rise in the price of EVOO has multifactorial causes and at Aceites La Muralla we analyse it from our perspective as extra virgin olive oil prod...
What does the AI know about extra virgin olive oil and our enclave?

What does the AI know about extra virgin olive oil and our enclave?

We wanted to know how much wisdom the GPT Chat has about oil, the olive tree, our land, the harvest, etc. Is it true everything that our friend, ar...
Spring of events... and gifts

Spring of events... and gifts

Spring is approaching, the most awaited season, and the events are starting: weddings, baptisms, communions, fairs, etc
Olive residues and how to manage them

Olive residues and how to manage them

We talk about the waste left by the production of extra virgin olive oil.
Did you know that there is a hill in Rome thanks to Spanish oil?

Did you know that there is a hill in Rome thanks to Spanish oil?

Did you know that there is a hill in Rome created mainly by olive oil amphorae from Baetica (Spain)?
The "miller breakfast" and its association with Andalusia

The "miller breakfast" and its association with Andalusia

The miller breakfast is an Andalusian tradition that dates back to the 19th century. During this time, many families lived in the rural areas of An...
Olive pruning and its importance

Olive pruning and its importance

Pruning is mainly carried out during the winter months, when the tree is at rest, and is aimed at controlling excessive growth and improving the sh...
Emulsions, "pil pil" and olive oil

Emulsions, "pil pil" and olive oil

We tell you how olive oil is a perfect element for "binding" sauces and other preparations.
What is Veganuary and why should you try it?

What is Veganuary and why should you try it?

Veganuary is an initiative organised by a British NGO of the same name that promotes the idea of trying veganism during the month of January.


Can olive oil be used as a natural make-up remover? How to use olive oil on your hair?  Discover with us today, some cosmetic uses of our liquid gold.

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